Spring can be a time of extremes when it comes to health. For some the warmer and brighter days herald the end of hibernation and the beginning of a more active and outdoor lifestyle with the resulting benefits to health and wellbeing. While for others trying to get an inactive body moving again can be a time for new injuries, the change of seasons often is accompanied by spring colds and the arrival of pollens begins the battle with environmental allergies.
Here are my tip three tips for ensuring that you join the first group:
1) Get moving gradually – It’s the first sunny and warm day and we decide it’s time to get fit so we go for a run, and we feel fresh and energetic, so we run pretty fast, and a bit further than we originally planned: And then we can barely walk the next day and its two weeks before we can move our joints enough to attempt a second run! DON’T RUSH: Start your exercise routine from the beginning, not where you ended last summer – gradually increase the intensity and quantity of exercise one step at a time.
2) Strengthen your immune system before you need it – Don’t wait till the first hayfever attack or sneezing fit hits to build your immunity: Start taking Omega 3 Oils, Vitamin C and the other antioxidants in larger amounts to nourish your body’s defences. Make some visits to your Chiropractor and/or Acupuncturist to have your internal healing energies tuned up. Take advantage of the fresh fruits and vegetables that are associated with spring – lots of greens, reds, oranges and yellows.
3) Get your mind and spirit moving as much as your body: Don’t just move your legs on a treadmill – Take your whole being on a wander through the bush, on the beach or along a riverside. Don’t just puff and pant – breathe and stretch. Sit on a rock and consider some fresh ideas and inspirations to nurture and grow this new season. Notice the new life arriving in the animal and plant kingdoms and take the time to initiate some new life in your own relationships and world.
Dr Nick Hodgson is a Chiropractor and Health and Wellness Coach who practices in Geelong and can be contacted on 0419 104 076 or visit him online at www.superhealthy.com.au