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Torque Release Technique - All the research...

Nick Hodgson

Updated: Feb 20


1) A subluxation model for reward deficiency syndrome behaviors:

Kenneth Blum, Eric Braverman, Jay Holder, Joel Lubar, Vincent Monastra, David Miller, Judith Lubar, Thomas Chen, David Comings. Journal of Psychoactive drugs. Vol 32 Supplement, November 2000, 59-60.

…It is appropriate to first discuss research that suggests the spine may be an anatomical extension of the limbic system. The limbic system is the site where feelings are mediated. These feelings are expressed through the reward cascade model as first proposed by Blum and Kozlowski (1990). We now know many naturally occurring brain and spinal cord substances play a role in both emotions and pain reduction, leading to an increased sense of wellbeing. In this regard, Pert and Diensfrey (1988) and Lewis and colleagues (1981) suggested the limbic system should include not only the amygdala and hypothalamus, but also the dorsal horn of the spinal cord…

2) Increasing retention rates among the chemically dependent in residential treatment: auriculotherapy and subluxation-based chiropractic care:

Jay Holder, Robert Duncan, Matthew Gissen, Michael Miller, Kenneth Bum. Molecular Psychiatry, Vol. 6, Supplement 1 - February, 2001, part 2, abstracts, S8.

AURICULOTHERAPY: Because of the known calming effect of auriculotherapy (ear acupuncture) a randomized study of auriculotherapy versus a capsule placebo group was carried out in a residential setting among 66 residential patients... Patients who completed at least 10 days of auriculotherapy and did not receive intercurrent medications were more likely to complete the 30 day residential program than were patients in the comparison group.

CHIROPRACTIC: ...a randomized, placebo controlled, single blind study utilizing subluxation-based chiropractic care (Torque Release Technique) was implemented... Three groups were randomized: active treatment comprising daily adjustments to correct vertebral subluxations using the Integrator adjusting instrument; a placebo treatment utilizing the same instrument but set to deliver zero force; and, a usual care group... All of the Active group completed the 28-day program, while only 24 (75%) of the Placebo group and 19 (56%) of the Usual Care group completed 28 days...

3) Chiropractic earns international prestige. Study relates association between chiropractic care and state of wellbeing:

Jay Holder. Canadian Chiropractor, October 2001, Vol 6, No. 5. 22-26.

Results of a major chiropractic research study have been published, which show the remarkable effectiveness of subluxation-based chiropractic adjustments in patients suffering from addictions. The study appeared in Molecular Psychiatry, published by Nature, and is rated second in psychiatry and tenth in neurosciences out of hundreds of leading peer-reviewed medical research journals throughout the world…..

4) Vertebral Subluxation Correction in an infant using Torque Release Technique. A Case Study:

Elizabeth Anderson-Peacock. Canadian Chiropractor. Feature. 6-8, 32.

This case is a report of outcome of utilizing TRT indicators of “dis-ease” and subluxation and a protocol for adjustments in an infant with multiple immune problems…

5) Successful pregnancy following diagnosis of infertility and miscarriage: A chiropractic case report:

Leslie Bedell. JVSR, Dec 2, 2003. 1-7.

This case describes the chiropractic care of a woman with a history of infertility and miscarriage... After 60 days of care, a normal ovulatory cycle occurred, and she became pregnant after her second normal cycle... The article discusses the impact of stress on a woman’s nervous system, and the possible associated changes in reproductive health...

6) Torque Release Technique in the clinical management of infertility related to cultural or religious-based lifestyle:

Asher Nadler. JVSR, Nov 16, 2003. 1-3.

This article explores the application of chiropractic, specifically Torque Release Technique™ (TRT), improvements in general health with an emphasis on neuroendocrine tone, and uterine cyclic function in a pre-menopausal female adult... The outcome included a shift in uterine cycle function which allowed this woman to follow the guidelines of her culture and be available to become pregnant...

7) Female infertility and chiropractic wellness care: A case study on the autonomic nervous system response while under subluxation-based chiropractic care and subsequent fertility:

Tammy M Kaminski. JVSR, Nov 2, 2003. 1-10.

This case study describes a woman, previously diagnosed with a lazy (reproductive) system, who became pregnant after commencing subluxation-based chiropractic care... After receiving wellness chiropractic care for the detection and correction of vertebral subluxations, the practice member showed marked improvement in autonomic and motor system function as demonstrated on her sEMG and thermography scans. In addition, after having great difficulty conceiving, she became pregnant nine months after commencing chiropractic care...

8) Reduction of vertebral subluxation using Torque Release Technique with changes in fertility: Two case reports:

Elizabeth Anderson-Peacock. JVSR, July 19, 2003. 1-6.

This article offers a description of two women who presented with varying complaints to a family-based chiropractic practice. In each case one of the complaints was infertility... In both case histories, the women had been deemed medically infertile and artificial insemination was being considered... During the course of chiropractic care both women were able to conceive... Although chiropractic care is not a treatment for infertility, it is postulated that improvement of spinal neural integrity through specific chiropractic adjustments may have contributed to improved homeostasis and physiological adaptation thus allowing the body to express a greater level of health as an outcome. Various effects via the reduction of the vertebral subluxation complex are postulated...

9) Chiropractic Care of a Battered Woman: A Case Study.

Leslie Bedell, D.C. JVSR: July 20, 2006, pp 1-6.

This case study documents the chiropractic care of a battered woman struggling with Intimate Partner Violence (IPV). Chiropractic offers battered women a unique service, it is the only profession trained and licensed to detect and correct vertebral subluxations. The relationship between the stresses of abuse and vertebral subluxation, as well as the subsequent changes during chiropractic care, are described.

10) Quality of Life Improvements and Spontaneous Lifestyle Changes in a Patient Undergoing Subluxation-Centered Chiropractic Care: A Case Study.

Yannick Pauli, D.C. JVSR: October 11, 2006, pg 1-15.

This case study is to report the improvement in quality of life experienced by a patient undergoing subluxation-centered chiropractic care... We discuss the various analyses employed to evaluate vertebral subluxations, including paraspinal surface electromyography and thermography. Adjustive care included a combination of Network Spinal Analysis, Torque Release Technique and diversified structural adjustments to correct vertebral subluxations over a six month period... This case study demonstrates that the correction of vertebral subluxations over an 11 month period was associated with significant improvements in the quality of life of the patient.

11) The Role of Chiropractic in Traumatic Brain Injury: A Case Study:

Andrea B Ryan, D.C. JVSR: December 18, 2007, pp 1-6.

To demonstrate the importance of chiropractic care as an integral part of the healing process of a patient with a Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI)... A 55 year old female patient presented to the office with a history of two automobile accidents which had both caused a number of physical symptoms... Complicating the healing process was the onset of depression and suicide attempt after the death of her husband, six years after the second automobile accident... Torque Release Technique protocols were used to evaluate and adjust spinal subluxations as it provides a low force adjustment... Within one month of care, the patient noted a decrease in symptoms and an improvement in her quality of life. Periodic re-evaluations demonstrated an improvement in physical findings as well as improvement in the function of her autonomic and motor systems as documented by thermal and SEMG scanning...

12) Improvement in a 3½-year-old Autistic Child Following Chiropractic Intervention to Reduce Vertebral Subluxation: Case Study.

Nick Hoffman, BS, DC Bio David Russell, BS, DC. JVSR: March 24, 2008, pp 1-4.

To describe, discuss and track the subjective and objective changes of a 3½ year old autistic girl following chiropractic adjustments over a 10 week period... A 3½ year old female child with reduced social interaction and language skills and learning difficulties presented for chiropractic care. The child had been diagnosed with autism 1 year earlier... The child received full spine adjustments where indicated to reduce vertebral subluxation, using the Torque Release Technique protocol and Integrator instrument. Strong verbal and physical apprehension to initial care was observed, however no signs of this were present after 5 visits, along with further improvements in social interactions, language skills and increased symmetry in surface EMG and thermal scanning over the 10 weeks of care... The subjective and objective improvements observed by both practitioner and parents following chiropractic care indicate a link between subluxation and autistic behavioral patterns...

13) Successful Care of a Young Female with ADD/ADHD & Vertebral Subluxation: A Case Study.

Leslie Bedell DC, JVSR: June 23, 2008, pp 1-7.

This case is being presented to emphasize the important role that Chiropractors play in the treatment of children diagnosed with Attention Deficit Disorder... A mother brought her seven year-old daughter in for evaluation. Her primary concerns were the attention and focusing problems she was having in school, hyperactive behavior, sleep disturbances and her aggressive, negative behaviour toward her sister... Over the course of her 90-day treatment schedule, improvements were noted on the daughter’s weekly behavioural assessments. The mother noticed an overall change in her attitude as well as specific tasks.

14) Surface EMG: Is it reliable, valid and clinically relevant.

Nick Hodgson, B.App.Sc.(Chiropractic), Unpublished: April, 2008, pp 1-18.

Surface Electromyography (aka. Surface EMG or SEMG) is not a new technology. It has been used as a research tool and a clinical tool for decades by a number of professions, including chiropractors. So what have we learnt about the reliability, validity and relevance of this clinical resource over the years? This paper summarises findings from a literature search of research papers relevant to the issues of reliability, validity and clinical applicability, and presents SEMG findings from the comparison of two different patient groups in a single private practice utilising an Insight Subluxation Station SEMG and Torque Release Technique Integrator Adjustments...

15) The Role of the Spinal Dura Mater in Spinal Subluxation.

Nick Hodgson, B.App.Sc.(Chiropractic), Unpublished: April, 2008, pp 1-15.

This paper examines the evidence for the role of dural attachments in the biomechanical and patho-physiological manifestations of Spinal Subluxation. The scientific literature is reviewed in relation to anatomical, biomechanical, physiological and clinical considerations. The paper examines the implications of these factors in the context of “Tonal” Chiropractic models…

16) The effect of the Chiropractic adjustment on the brain wave pattern as measured by QEEG. A Four Case Study. Summarizing an additional 100 (approximately) cases over a three year period.

Richard Barwell, D.C.; Annette Long, Ph.D; Alvah Byers, Ph.D; and Craig Schisler, B.A., M.A., D.C.

An initial study was devised by chiropractors and clinical psychologists to test the hypothesis that chiropractic adjustments affect the central nervous system directly. The method of obtaining data was with a 2-lead QEEG device. The device measures brain wave frequencies. A measurement was taken pre-adjustment and a second QEEG measurement was taken post adjustment. A simple criterion was used to make the determination of the effectiveness of the chiropractic adjustment: First -- the right/left balance; second -- the amount of total activity; third -- primary regions of activity; fourth -- the effect of the adjustment on each of the areas listed above. Data was collected at CEO seminars for approximately 3 years with approximately 100 subjects. These four cases are representative of the effects of the study. It was concluded that the chiropractic adjustment does affect the central nervous system directly.

17) Resolution of Torticollis, Neck Pain and Vertebral Subluxation in a Pediatric Patient Undergoing Chiropractic Care. Case Study.

Alcantara J, Fleuchaus S, and Oman RE. J Pediatric, Maternal & Family Health. 2009, Issue 4, Pages 1-9.

To present the chiropractic care of a patient with torticollis and neck pain concomitant with spinal subluxations... The patient was treated with low force, site-specific, full-spine chiropractic care using the Torque Release Technique in combination with Activator Methods at a frequency of 3 times per week for 4 weeks. Adjunctive therapies using interferential and moist heat to the cervical or thoracic spine were utilized for 3 visits along with proprioceptive-neuro-facilitation (PNF) stretching on one occasion. Icing home instructions for 10 minutes at least twice per day were given along with instructions to cease participating in any sports activity. Following 12 visits, the patient was pain-free with improved posture and full range of motion in the cervical spine.

18) Interexaminer reliability of a leg length analysis procedure among novice and experienced practitioners.

by Holt KR, Russell DG, Hoffmann NJ, Bruce BI, Bushell PM, Taylor HH.: J Manipulative Physiol Ther. 2009 Mar-Apr;32(3):216-22.

The purpose of this study was to evaluate the interexaminer reliability of a leg length analysis protocol between an experienced chiropractor and an inexperienced chiropractic student who has undergone an intensive training program... Participants were examined for leg length inequality in the prone straight leg and flexed knee positions by each of the examiners. The examiners were asked to record which leg appeared shorter in each position. Examiners were blinded to each other's findings. kappa statistics and percent agreement between examiners were used to assess interexaminer reliability... Kappa analysis revealed substantial interexaminer reliability in both leg positions and also substantial agreement when straight and flexed knee results were combined for each participant. kappa scores ranged from 0.61, with 72% agreement, for the combined positions to 0.70, with 87% agreement, for the extended knee position. All of the kappa statistics analyzed surpassed the minimal acceptable standard of 0.40 for a reliability trial such as this... This study revealed good interexaminer reliability of all aspects of the leg length analysis protocol used in this study...

19) Improvement in Quality of Life in a Patient with Depression Undergoing Chiropractic Care Using Torque Release Technique: A Case Study.

Theo Mahanidis; David Russell: JVSR. January 31 2010.

While under chiropractic care subjective and objective improvements in physical, mental and social wellbeing were documented in a patient with a history of depression, asthma, high stress, mood and gastrointestinal changes...

20) Subluxation Based Chiropractic Care in the Management of Cocaine Addiction: A Case Report.

Jay M. Holder, Brandon E. Shriner: Annals of Vertebral Subluxation Research, February 2, 2012, 8-17.

This is a case study of a 63 year old male free base and crack cocaine addict who was court mandated to the Exodus Addiction Treatment Center for residential addiction treatment following a conviction for cocaine possession along with a record of multiple felony arrests over a 40 year period... Torque Release Technique (a non-linear tonal model), P300 Wave testing, EMG, thermography and residential addiction treatment were combined for evaluation and application of care. Adjustments were performed with the Integrator adjusting instrument and were limited to Primary Subluxation. P300 Wave testing was performed with the Enigma P300... Although subluxation based chiropractic care is not recognized as the main course of treatment for addiction, it is postulated that improvement of spinal neural integrity and neural dopaminergic pathway efficiency through chiropractic adjustments may contribute to improved homeostasis, Brain Reward Cascade and Reward Deficiency Syndrome thus allowing the body to express a greater state of well-being and human potential as an outcome...

21) A Review of Torque Release Technique.

Samantha Shriner: Annals of Vertebral Subluxation Research. July 12 2012, 72-76.

The purpose of this paper is to describe Torque Release Technique (TRT), a non-linear tonal model of chiropractic founded upon improving wellbeing and human potential through management of vertebral subluxation...

22) The Use of the P-300 Wave as an Outcome Assessment Related to Vertebral Subluxation.

Matthew McCoy, Charles Vaden. International Research and Philosophy Symposium (IRAPS), October 22-23, 2011, Sherman College of Chiropractic.

This presentation will review the literature on the P300 wave and discuss its potential application as an outcome assessment in vertebral subluxation based care...

23) Immediate Neurological Improvement Following Subluxation Based Chiropractic Care: Clinical Study.

Brandon Mahaffy. AVSR. September 17, 2012. 88-93

After applying subluxation based chiropractic via Torque Release Technique, the patient showed immediate improvement in neurological function. These results were measured with pre- and post- adjustment thermal scans. The decreased asymmetry in thermal readings demonstrates that reducing subluxations immediately improved neurological function.

24) Complete Resolution Of Migraine Headache While Receiving A Combination Of Torque Release Technique And Cranial Nerve Auricular Stimulation: A Case Report.

N Hodgson & J Brown, Unpublished, April 2013, Pages 1-32

The objective of this case study is to provide data on the resolution of debilitating migraine headaches with the use of Torque Release Technique (TRT) and Cranial Nerve Auricular Stimulation (CNAS)...

25) Resolution of Recurrent Pseudoseizures in a 14-Year-Old Female Using Torque Release Technique: A Case Study.

Chris Brown & Alexandra Swenson, Annals of Vertebral Subluxation Research, April 10, 2014, Pages 49-54

A 14 year-old female presented for chiropractic care with a history of 30-40 pseudoseizure events per month... Over a period of five months, a specific, conservative chiropractic adjustment regimen for the correction of vertebral subluxation was administered to the patient. The care plan was modified in accordance with outcome assessment measures, and during this time period the patient experienced a dramatic decrease in symptoms and frequency of seizures. Static electromyography (EMG) and thermal scanning were performed... Improvements were noted on the static and thermal surface EMG’s over the course of the patient’s care. The patient remains under chiropractic care at the time of this report, and has been seizure free for seven months.

26) Improvement in Signs and Symptoms of ADHD and Functional Outcomes in Four Children Receiving Torque Release Chiropractic: A Case Series.

Nick Hodgson & Charles Vaden, Annals of Vertebral Subluxation Research, April 17, 2014, Pages 55-79

The cases of four children receiving Torque Release chiropractic adjustments for spinal subluxation with concurrent reduction in the signs and symptoms of ADHD and functional outcome measures are discussed... Four children ages 8 to 12 years of age presented to the clinic seeking help with their symptoms of ADHD. Each had been previously diagnosed with ADHD by a medical doctor and displayed impairment in either inattention or impulsivity, or both components... Improvement in ADHD symptoms is based on the use of an ADHD symptom questionnaire completed by the primary caregiver and functional outcome measures include digital postural assessment, surface paraspinal electromyography, infrared paraspinal thermography, heart rate variability and spinal range of motion analysis. Chiropractic care utilizing Torque Release Technique was administered for 10, 10, 5, and 6 months respectively... In this group ADHD symptoms improved on average by 17%, functional status improved on average by 23% and general wellbeing improved on average by 21%.

27) Improvement in Signs and Symptoms of ADHD, Migraines and Functional Outcomes While Receiving Subluxation Based Torque Release Chiropractic and Cranial Nerve Auriculotherapy.

Nick Hodgson DC, B.App.Sc. & Michelle Fox DC , Annals of Vertebral Subluxation Research, December 5, 2014, Pages 184-199

Objective: To discuss the subjective and objective signs and symptoms of improvement in ADHD, migraine headaches and functional outcome measures through the application of Torque Release Technique® (TRT) adjustments for spinal subluxation and concurrent cranial nerve auriculotherapy (CNA)... A report of the case of a twenty one year old male with signs and symptoms of ADHD and migraine headaches... "Pre care" and "post care" assessment utilizing ADHD and Headache Symptom Regularity and Severity Questionnaires completed by patient, and functional outcome measures including Digital Postural Assessment, Spinal Range of Motion Analysis, Heart Rate Variability, and a rating system for the Torque Release Technique® (TRT) indicators of subluxation. A course of chiropractic care was maintained over a period of 3 months, totaling 13 visits. TRT chiropractic adjustments were implemented where spinal subluxations were located and CNA was administered. Outcomes revealed a significant decrease in the regularity and severity of signs and symptoms of ADHD and migraine headaches proportionate to improvement in the functional outcome measures...

28) Resolution of Nocturnal Enuresis Following Adjustment of Vertebral Subluxations: A Case Report.

Hafer C, Alcantara J. J of Pediatric, Maternal & Family Health. Volume 2015, Issue 1, Pages 5-8.

To describe the successful chiropractic care of a child with nocturnal enuresis and vertebral subluxation... The framework of detection and removal of spinal subluxations using Activator Methods and Torque Release Technique was applied at twice per week for a total of 5 patient visits. Improvement in the patient’s nocturnal enuresis was observed following 2 visits that continued with follow-up care and observation.

29) Resolution of Hypertension in a 72-Year-Old Male Following Subluxation Based Chiropractic Care: A Case Report & Selective Review of the Literature.

Vanessa Van Dyke, B.Sc. (Biol), D.C., David Russell, B.Sc. (Psych), B.Sc. (Chiro), Joel Alcantara, D.C., Annals of Vertebral Subluxation Research, November 12, 2015, Pages 172-177

A specific technique protocol was adopted over a period of three months for the detection and correction of vertebral subluxation. Blood pressure was measured and decreased over the course of care. The four domains of health (physical state, emotional/mental state, stress and life enjoyment) were assessed using self-rated health/wellness (SRHW) surveys prior to care and a questionnaire regarding changes experienced since care was completed after three months. Static EMG and Thermal scanning were performed using the Insight surface EMG and thermal scanning technology with improvements noted. A decrease in blood pressure following the commencement of chiropractic care was reported… Decreased blood pressure and increased ease of physical activity were documented following chiropractic care in a patient with a history of medically treated hypertension...

30) Sandifer Syndrome: Improved Health Outcomes in an Infant Undergoing Care for Vertebral Subluxation: Case Study.

Bruce P Steinberg, DC, Antonio Redell Hill, DC

J. Pediatric, Maternal & Family Health April 14, 2016, 35-41

An 11-week-old female presented with a history of reflux, digestive problems, and possible seizures. Prescription medications included Zantac. Chiropractic analysis and thermography revealed specific patterns of subluxations… Subluxation-based chiropractic care was performed utilizing the Torque Release Technique analysis and protocol via the Integrator. Adjustments were delivered specifically at C1, C2, T6, Coccyx and Sacrum accordingly. The patient showed improved developmental changes, reduction in reflux, and better bowel function and is no longer congested, fidgety or having issues with lying supine… This case describes the chiropractic care for a rare syndrome that is associated with a mirage of symptoms. There are few studies in the chiropractic literature on Sandifer syndrome…

31) Improvement In Chronic Musculoskeletal Arm Pain And Headaches In An 89-Year-Old Male Receiving Chiropractic Care Involving Torque Release Technique And Activator Methods Chiropractic Technique: A Case Report.

SL Luscombe, J McCormick, H Haavik, K Holt. Chiropractic Journal of Australia, Volume 44, Number 2, June 2016.

The patient had long-term, medically-diagnosed chronic daily tension-type headaches, frequent migraines, and chronic right arm and neck pain related to a blast injury suffered during an artillery bombardment in World War 2 and 2 severe motor vehicle accidents experienced during the 1950’s and 1960’s... After 12 weeks, the patient’s daily headaches, episodic migraines and chronic arm and neck pain had completely resolved...

32) Reduction in Depression, Insomnia, Pre-Menstrual Syndrome & Dysautonomia in a Patient Undergoing Subluxation-Based Chiropractic Care Using Torque Release Technique.

Charles Daniel Vaden, DC & Ryan J Pratt, DC

Annals of Vertebral Subluxation Research, November 21, 2016, Pages 125-132

To report on the outcomes of chiropractic management of a patient presenting with cervical, thoracic and lumbar subluxations and suffering from depression, insomnia, severe effects from pre-menstrual syndrome and headaches... On each visit, analysis was performed utilizing the Torque Release Technique indicators for subluxation and then an adjustive thrust was performed at these levels, utilizing the Integrator adjusting instrument. After three months of chiropractic care, the patient’s subjective and objective outcomes significantly improved. The regularity and severity of patient’s depression-related symptoms improved from “moderate” to “mild”...

33) Improvement in Sensorimotor Function, Postural Stability, Joint Position Sense and Reaction Time in an Asymptomatic 74-year-old Male Receiving Chiropractic Care.

Matthew Wild, BChiro & Phil McMaster, DC, ACP

Annals of Vertebral Subluxation Research, April 10, 2017, Pages 61-63

To describe and discuss improvements in sensorimotor function in a 74-year-old male receiving chiropractic care. A 74-year-old male patient presented for chiropractic care as a participant in a chiropractic clinical trial. The patient received Torque Release Technique Chiropractic Care for three months. After the three months of care, significant improvements were observed in postural stability, joint position sense and reaction time...

34) Improved Intraocular Pressure in a 40-Year-Old Female Following Chiropractic Care to Reduce Subluxation - Case Study

Megan E McClimon, DC, Daniel G McClimon, DC, Michael W Krotee, DC

A. Vertebral Subluxation Res. June 1, 2017, Pg 101-112

A 40-year-old female, diagnosed with borderline glaucoma, also presented with a numerous neuromusculoskeletal complaints. Previous to receiving chiropractic care, ophthalmic examination revealed a steady intraocular pressure increase. Interventions and Outcomes: Over a period of 2 months and 11 days, the patient was seen 25 times received chiropractic adjustments using the Torque Release Technique. Re-examination revealed improvements in sEMG and changes in paraspinal thermographic readings, positive changes in symptomatology, avoidance of carpal tunnel surgical intervention and reduced intra-ocular pressure…

35) Improved Allergen-Specific IgE Levels in an 8-year-old Female Following Chiropractic Care to Reduce Vertebral Subluxation: A Case Study & Selective Review of the Literature.

Korthuis MA. J. Pediatric, Maternal & Family Health June 22, 2017, 82-92.

To present the outcomes following chiropractic care of a pediatric patient with food allergies and other neuromusculoskeletal complaints. Chiropractic care included the use of Torque Release Technique for the analysis of vertebral subluxation, and the use of the Integrator instrument for specific chiropractic adjustments. After thirty-eight weeks of regular chiropractic care, patient follow-up with allergist revealed improved specific peanut, pecan, and walnut IgE levels of 0.16, 0.20, and 0.43 kU/L respectively. Additionally, hip pain was eliminated, and internal foot rotation was improved.

36) Reduction of Sleep Bruxism in a 9-Year-Old Child Receiving Chiropractic Care for Vertebral Subluxation: A Case Report.

Russell D. J. Pediatric, Maternal & Family Health October 19, 2017 164-168.

To describe the reduction in severity of sleep bruxism in a 9-year-old child receiving Torque Release Technique for vertebral subluxation… A course of chiropractic care using TRT was associated with reduction of sleep bruxism and improvement in objective posture.

37) Resolution of Hypothyroidism & Irritable Bowel Syndrome in a 34-Year-Old Female Following Chiropractic Care to Reduce Vertebral Subluxation: A Case Study & Review of the Literature.

Anne- Campbell M, Delander K. A. Vertebral Subluxation Res. October 26, 2017 209-220.

To report on the case of a 34 year old female with secondary hypothyroidism and irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) experiencing improvement following chiropractic care… Rolling paraspinal thermography was used to localize and quantify Dysautonomia secondary to subluxation. Torque Release Technique (TRT) was utilized to address areas of vertebral subluxation. After two months of care, the patient reported improvement in thyroid function determined by a thyroid function test and she was able to stop her medication. Additionally, the patient reported improvement in her irritable bowel syndrome, low back, hip and upper back pain.

38) Reduction of Idiopathic Scoliosis and Musculoskeletal Complaints & Improved State of Well-Being in a 21-Year-Old Following Chiropractic: A Case Study & Review of the Literature.

Fox M, Holder JM, Tveitnes EB. A. Vertebral Subluxation Res. January 25, 2018 12-22.

To describe reduction of adolescent idiopathic scoliosis (AIS), other spinal curves, postural faults, state of well-being and musculoskeletal complaints in a patient using Torque Release Technique (TRT) protocol… Post- x-rays taken after five months of care (62 visits) showed reduction of the scoliotic curve from 20° to 12.5°, reduction of thoracic hyperkyphosis from 63° to 40°, reduction of lumbar hyperlordosis from 70° to 65° and improvement in postural fault of high right ilium from 5mm to 2mm. Final subluxation analysis after seven months of TRT care showed an overall CORE scoreTM improvement of 19% from 66/100 to 85/100. She experienced improvement of over 50% in state of well-being and physical complaints through interpretation of Revised Oswestry Back Pain Disability Index (RODI) which was initially 32% and at the end of care was 14%.

39) Resolution of Infertility Following Subluxation Centered Chiropractic Care: A Case Study and Selective Review of Literature.

Ebert C & Brettingen P. J. Pediatric, Maternal & Family Health March 12, 2018 1-6.

To describe the results following chiropractic for a female who experienced difficulty conceiving a child, and to provide a current review of the literature on infertility and chiropractic… Vertebral subluxations were found at different segments in the spine according to the Torque Release Technique. Adjustments were made using a hand held adjusting instrument (Integrator) at sites of vertebral subluxations. After 16 weeks of care, she reported being pregnant.

40) Improvement In Quality Of Life In A Female Patient With Crohn's Disease Following Chiropractic Care For The Correction Of Vertebral Subluxation: A Case Report.

D Russell, T Glucino. Chiropractic Journal of Australia, Volume 46, Number 1, 2018, pg 2-10.

A course of chiropractic care using TRT for the assessment and correction of vertebral subluxation was associated with improvement in QoL in a patient with CD.

41) Resolution Of Lower Limb Neuropathy And Improved Physical Functioning In An 18 Year Old Male Cricketer Receiving Chiropractic Care: A Case Report.

D Russell, M Doyle. Chiropractic Journal of Australia, Volume 46, Number 2, 2018, pg 162-171.

Previous management included 13 months of physical therapy, with progressively worsening symptoms. Postural alterations, reduction in cervical and lumbar ranges of motion (ROM), altered thermographic and surface electromyographich (sEMG) studies, and decreased left great toe dorsiflexion strength were found in conjunction with vertebral subluxation throughout the spine… A course of chiropractic care, using TRT and AMCT for the correction of vertebal subluxation, was associated with the resolution of chronic lower limb neuropathy and improvements in physical functioning and quality of life.

42) Improved Thyroid Function Following Chiropractic Care to Reduce Vertebral Subluxation: A Case Study & Review of the Literature.

Fuller D & Douts B. A. Vertebral Subluxation Res. March 19, 2018 57-67.

The purpose of this case study is to report on improvement of hypothyroidism in a 50-year-old male patient who decreased his need for synthetic thyroid hormone following chiropractic care… Subluxations-based chiropractic care was delivered using Diversified and Torque Release Techniques. There were no changes in his lifestyle, diet, or exercise levels. Blood tests revealed his TSH blood levels remained in the normal range and his need for synthetic thyroid hormone decreased. His cervical curve additionally improved.

43) Improved Health Outcomes & Quality of Life in a 10-Year-Old Child with Autism Spectrum Disorder Following Chiropractic Care to Reduce Vertebral Subluxation: A Case Study & Selective Review of the Literature.

Pappicco M. J. Pediatric, Maternal & Family Health March 22, 2018 7-12.

To report on the positive health outcomes in a child with Autism following chiropractic care to reduce vertebral subluxations… Chiropractic adjustments were given at each visit using the Torque Release Technique (TRT) protocol. The patient received 12 adjustments in the areas of dural attachment, occiput, C1, C2, sacrum, and coccyx over an eight-week period. The patient would present to the clinic in a protective position, taut and rigid. After adjustment the child was more relaxed. Her outburst ceased and had a calmer demeanor. Her sleep improved.

44) Resolution of Adult Onset Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder Following Chiropractic Care for Management of Vertebral Subluxations: A Case Report & Review of the Literature.

Pellegrino A, McNulty E, A. of Vertebral Subluxation Res, June 11, 2018, 95-107.


To report on the positive health outcomes following chiropractic care for the management of vertebral subluxation in a patient with adult onset attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and to review the related literature… Over the course of two months, chiropractic adjustments were applied to the patient using Torque Release Technique (TRT). The patient reported a resolution of all ADHD symptoms. Follow-up QVAS score was decreased from 60 to 36. The patient’s goals of being able to focus and exercise were met, he had an 80% improvement of his symptoms and there was an improvement in dysautonomia. He remains under chiropractic care at the time of report and was able to stop taking medications for ADHD.

45) Chiropractic And Mental Health: History And Review Of Putative Neurobiological Mechanisms.

Kent C. J Neurology, Psychology And Brain Research, JNPB-103, Aug 2018, pg 1-10.

The chiropractic profession has a long history of acknowledging the relationship between nervous system function and mental health. This paper reviews the history of chiropractic involvement in mental health issues, chiropractic institutions specializing in the care of mental health problems, and the putative neurobiological mechanisms associated with vertebral subluxation and dysregulation of the autonomic nervous system.

46) Improvement in Motor Strength, Balance & Dysautonomia Following the Assessment & Correction of Vertebral Subluxation in a Male Stroke Survivor: A Case Study.

David Russell. AVSR. Dec 9, 2019 pg166-170.

A course of chiropractic care using TRT and AMCT for the assessment and correction of vertebral subluxation was associated with improvement in motor function and balance in a 40-year-old male following an ischemic stroke. This case provides supporting evidence that stroke survivors may benefit from chiropractic care.

47) Reduction in Anxiety & Dysautonomia in Five Adult Patients Undergoing Chiropractic Care for Vertebral Subluxation: A Case Series & Review of the Literature.

Bruce Steinberg, Kate Clodgo-Gordon, David G Russell. Annals of Vertebral Subluxation Research, April 17, 2020 pg 50-58.

This case series describes a reduction in severity of anxiety symptoms measured by the HAM-A, as well as improved autonomic nervous system function measured through HRV and thermography, in 5 adult patients receiving chiropractic care.

48) Resolution of Hypothyroidism & Dysautonomia Following Chiropractic Care to Reduce Vertebral Subluxation: A Case Study & Review of Literature.

Daniel Wallis & Vincent Cuviello. Annals of Vertebral Subluxation Research, August 31, 2020, pg 135-142

TRT is shown to be effective in addressing vertebral subluxation as well as decreasing dysautonomia in a 61-year-old female patient with hypothyroidism. The reduction in signs and symptoms of vertebral subluxation were associated with an improvement in thyroid function and symptoms related to hypothyroidism.

49) P300 Wave Outcomes in Subluxation Based Chiropractic in Residential Addiction Treatment: A Randomized Controlled Clinical Trial.

Charles Daniel Vaden, Jay M. Holder, Matthew McCoy, Joyce Sayers, Aaron M. Holder. AVSR. December 28, 2020 pg 178-192.

…chiropractic care utilizing TRT improves retention rates, psychosocial inventory assessments and prevents relapse… Subluxation-based chiropractic care should be considered as standard care in the management of addicted individuals.

50) Improved Behavioral Changes, Dysautonomia, Dysponesis and Quality of Life in an Adult with Autism Following Chiropractic Care to Correct Vertebral Subluxation: A Case Study & Review of the Literature.

Anthony Pellegrino & Morgan Lightsey-Santos. Annals of Vertebral Subluxation Research, February 19, 2021, pg 9-14.

The patient in this study experienced improved health outcomes related to autism following chiropractic care.

51) Functional Improvement and Pain Reduction in a Patient with Fibromyalgia Undergoing Chiropractic Care: A Case Study & Review of the Literature.

Kristal Henry. Annals of Vertebral Subluxation Research, Vol 2024, pg 69-80.

This paper describes improvement of function, mobility and decrease in pain in an adult male with fibromyalgia related symptoms that presented for chiropractic care... He no longer needed a cane to ambulate.

52) The Chiropractic Care of Pregnant Women with Twins: A Case Series & Review of the Literature.

Carolyne Hiebert, DC & Joel Alcantara, DC, PhD. Journal of Pediatric, Maternal & Family Health, Chiropractic. February 19, 2025, Vol 2025, Pages 7-16.

To describe the chiropractic care of pregnant women carrying twins and to examine outcomes in managing patients carrying twins with neuromusculoskeletal complaints and breech presentation… Three pregnant women with twin pregnancies presented with low back pain, hip pain, and/or pelvic discomfort. Two patients also sought care who had breech presentations of their twins. Pain severity ranged from 5 to 8 on an 11-point numeric rating scale. Physical examinations revealed spinal subluxations, hypertonic muscles, and reduced range of motion (ROM) in the cervical, thoracic, and lumbar spine… Patients were managed with a combination of Torque Release Technique using the Integrator Adjusting Instrument and the Webster Technique at a frequency of twice per week over 6 weeks… pain severity diminished significantly, enabling patients to resume daily activities. Notably, in one case, twin breech presentations were resolved, confirmed via ultrasound.


1) Attention deficit disorders (ADD): Biogenic Aspects:

Kenneth Blum, Jay Holder. Chiropractic Pediatrics. Editorial. August 1994, Vol. 1, No. 2. (Pg 21 – 23).

Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) is a widespread affliction that we are just beginning to understand. It affects between three million and four million children in the United States, and probably a larger number of adults. It is considered the most common pediatric disorder. It is a compulsive disorder, usually genetic in origin, that results from imbalances of neurotransmitters, the messengers that communicate between the neurons in the brain. It strikes in childhood, and continues into adulthood. Its effects can be eased by treatment and counselling…

2) Torque Release Technique: A Subluxation Based System For A New Model: Jay Holder. March/April 1995.

What could have been more appropriate at Life College's 20th Anniversary Homecoming than the debut of the first and newest adjustment technique for Chiropractic's second century, the Torque Release Technique?..

3) New Technique Introduced – EEG Confirms Results:

Jay Holder. ICAC Journal, May 1996. 10.

One of the most exciting events during Life College's 20th anniversary Homecoming was the debut of the Torque Release Technique, billed as the first and newest adjustment technique for chiropractic's second century... After the patient was adjusted, a post EEG was run and examined. Hospers explained her findings: "All of the abnormal prefrontal spiking found earlier was gone and that the entire EEG was now essentially normal."..

4) Torque Release Technique: A technique model for Chiropractic’s second century:

Asher Nadler, Jay Holder, Marvin Talsky. Canadian Chiropractor. February 1998, Feature, Vol 3, No. 1.

Torque Release Technique (TRT), a chiropractic model and technique of health care, was founded and developed by Dr Jay M Holder and Dr Marvin Talsky. It embraces a vitalistic paradigm, specifically relating to tone, the premise on which D.D.Palmer originally founded chiropractic...

5) Letter From Professor Robert Duncan Regarding TRT Research Design:

Under a contract with the Florida Chiropractic Society, I designed a study of the use of subluxation-based chiropractic care in the residential drug treatment setting, Dr. Jay Holder, Principal Investigator. The study was a randomized, placebo controlled clinical trial with three arms: Usual Care; Placebo Chiropractic; and, Chiropractic. The chiropractic treatment was delivered through the use of a mechanical device which allowed for setting the energy delivered. The placebo treatment involved setting the device to deliver no energy...

6) Torque Release Technique - The First Technique Of Chiropractic's Second Century:

TRT founded and developed by Dr Jay Holder and Dr Marvin Talsky, embraces a vitalistic paradigm, specifically relating to tone, the premise on which DD Palmer originally founded Chiropractic. TRT's unique approach makes its model and technique characteristically non-mechanistic and non-linear, as will be explained later…

7) Subluxation based chiropractic care in recovery:

Kenneth Blum, Jay Holder. Handbook of Abusable Drugs. Amended edition. 768.

The possibility that alternative care would constitute chiropractic procedures to effect relapse and recidivism rates is currently under study by Holder and colleagues of the Exodus Treatment Center whereby subluxation based chiropractic procedures are being evaluated…

8) Chiropractic: A subluxation model for addiction and compulsive disorders:

Kenneth Blum, Jay Holder. Handbook of Abusable Drugs. Amended edition. 768-771.

It is appropriate to discuss some research that appears to establish the vertebral subluxation complex as a primary issue in the multi-factorial expression of the addictions and compulsive disorders. Chiropractic has never considered the spine a separate issue from the rest of the nervous system…

9) Breakthrough Brain Research Links Chiropractic Treatment to Addictive Behaviors:

Kenneth Blum, John Cull, Jay Holder. Letter from the University Of Texas Houston Health Science Center School of Public Health Dept. of Behavioral Service.

A "brain reward cascade" of neurotransmitters, when operating properly, results in feelings of well-being. If an imbalance impedes the normal flow of the "cascade", the feelings of well-being are supplanted by anxiety, anger,... or by craving substances which alleviate the negative emotions. Disruption of the "brain reward cascade" results in Reward Deficiency Syndrome ("RDS")…

10) Beating Addiction:

Jay Holder. Alternative Medicine Digest, Future Medicine Publishing, Issue 29 - May, 1999. 37-40.

From Bondage to Freedom Holder maintains that any addicted person will have one or more vertebrae out of alignment. Dr. Jay M. Holder shows why combining chiropractic, auriculotherapy, amino acids, counseling and 12-step programs may be the groundbreaking answer to all addictions including alcohol, cocaine, heroin, nicotine, eating disorders, sex and gambling…

11) A tonal solution for subluxation patterns. Torque Release Technique analyses cranial-spinal-meningeal functional unit:

David Fletcher. Canadian Chiropractor. April 2004, Vol. 9, No. 2. 20-23.

….. TRT practitioners liken the relationship between the spine and the central neurology to a guitar string. As the tension along the string is altered, the pitch of the note is changed. The tone of the system is responsible for the adaptive response. This is analogous to the spine developing torsional strains and applying unusual tension patterns to the dural attachments and ultimately the neural tissue itself…..

12) Technique Review: TRT - A "Software Upgrade" to Subluxation Care:

Dave Russell. New Zealand Chiropractic Association Magazine, April 2005: 22.

Are you adjusting the right level, in the right direction with the right thrust and at the right time? Do you find yourself adjusting the same segments time and time again? Torque Release Technique offers a model of care to "upgrade" the analysis of the spinal system, and the delivery of the adjustment. Transform practice from stagnating to health advancing....

13) Time For a Chiropractic Technique Computer Upgrade:

Nick Hodgson. Australian Chiropractor Magazine, April 2006:

...The real benefit of TRT lies in its applicability to any practice style and method: You can integrate the assessment systems to improve your certainty and accuracy in determining where to adjust regardless of how you adjust. You can add the Integrator adjusting to provide a low-force dimension to your technique spread. Or you can evolve completely to the TRT tonal model which is so congruent with the trend towards wellness practice.

14) Health Insight: Reward Deficiency? The common thread connecting addictive and compulsive traits.

Nick Hodgson. Sight Magazine.

Jack’s story is not as uncommon as we would like to think. His condition can actually be described in one diagnosis: Reward Deficiency Syndrome (RDS). But there are many more faces to this one disorder. Research paper after research paper seems to be linking this same mind dysfunction with all of the impulsive, compulsive and addictive disorders...

15) Staying Clean and Sober: Chiropractic: Torque Release Technique:

David Miller. Book excerpt. 137-143.

Dr Jay Holder, Medical Director of Exodus Treatment Center in Miami and Miami Beach, utilizes and teaches the use of subluxation-based chiropractic for the treatment of addic¬tion and, through interview, has furnished much of the infor¬mation in this chapter. He considers the Torque Release Technique to be the most valuable tool in his treatment "tool¬box," along with auriculotherapy. Torque Release Technique is the adjustment of the nervous system to heal abnormalities that interfere with the communication of all systems of the body. To understand how Torque Release Technique works, we need to discuss the functioning of the nervous system as a tonal model...

16) RDS - Towards A New Understanding of Addiction:

Nick Hodgson. Wellbeing Magazine, Issue 106, Nov/Dec 2006. 54-57.

Could RDS be the common psychological thread that links a myriad of compulsive and addictive behaviours?... The primary human compulsion is the need for reward: Brain reward is our highest payment – more valuable than gold and dollars. The sum total of each individual’s habits and repetitive behaviours is the result of the perceived rewards that we receive or desire from the planet, the people around us and our own thoughts, actions and intakes... The problems begin when we have inherited a reward deficiency syndrome...

17) Dear Chiropractor: Help Me Kick The Habit:

Katie Gilbert. Psychology Today Online, July 2006.

Beating addiction may take an extra nudge from the chiropractor... But what does the spine have to do with addiction? The connection may be explained by the presence, or absence, of brain chemicals that make us feel good. When the spinal cord and its nerves are in proper order, chemicals known as neurotransmitters are released in a specific sequence, like falling dominoes. The result: A state of wellbeing. However, subluxations or misalignments of the spine can cause pressure and tension on surrounding tissue, interrupting this feel-good sequence...

18) Adjustments Impact Addiction Medicine: New frontiers in treatment:

Sony Canteenwala. Canadian Chiropractor. February 2008.

Much work has been done to explain the addicted brain. Today, researchers have discovered that, for most addiction patients, addiction is not a choice but a bodily demand, like eating or sleeping. However, when the brain is “hardwired” for the wrong things, the effects can become fatal. Researchers look at the Brain Reward Cascade, the many neurotransmitters that fire in the brain, setting up a domino effect with resultant feelings of well-being. In the addict, this reward cascade is interfered with, or not functioning correctly to begin with, causing the addict to manifest what is called Reward Deficiency Syndrome, or RDS… Subluxation-based chiropractic is suggested as a possible treatment option... The idea is that if someone is manifesting RDS, or an inability to manifest a state of well-being on their own, they may be high risk for addiction...

19) Chiropractic and the Brain:

Nick Hodgson. Your Voice. October 2008.

The brain is sexy! Let me put this another way – Talk about the brain and how to make it work better, and people sit up and listen. Let me illustrate this with three examples... Some research supports this observation that chiropractic adjustments change brain function (1-3): Hang on a minute – don’t skim over that statement – CHIROPRACTIC ADJUSTMENTS CHANGE BRAIN FUNCTION. Do you own that statement yourself? Do you comprehend the implications to the community IF that statement is correct and consistent? Let me propose two shifts that may need to occur in our profession for this secret to get out to where it needs to be heard...

20) Moving Off The Bone:

Justin Peatling, Imaging One, Summer Edition, 2010.

What neurophysiology research does suggest is that the Chiropractic adjustment has a positive influence on brain function. Re-organising abnormal neurological patterns to allow the inherent recuperative powers of the body to work at their peak level...

21) A Four-Dimensional Model of Vertebral Subluxation:

Christopher Kent, DC, Esq. Dynamic Chiropractic, January 1, 2011, Vol. 29, Issue 01.

Vertebral subluxation represents the heart and soul of chiropractic, yet to many chiropractors, it remains a clinical conundrum. I believe that the controversy and confusion surrounding the chiropractic concept of vertebral subluxation is due, in part, to the lack of an operational definition compatible with most techniques...

22) Addiction: A unique Chiropractor's pursuit of the source: Interview with Dr Jay Holder DC:

The American Chiropractor, December 2010, Vol. 32, Number 12, pgs 22-26, 28, 60.

Addiction has taken a hold of the world. Everywhere you look, the results of an addiction that has spun out of control seem to be shaking the landscape. It's effects not only reach the areas of the world that you may consciously or unconsciously try to ignore, but impact even the most vital areas of our life, affecting the most respected members of our society. Dr Jay Holder has committed his life to addiction treatment. That's why we caught up with this founder of the Torque Release Technique. His results have been outstanding when considering the standard of care, and he's using all natural approaches. Be sure to seize the moment, and read his interview on page 22...


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